Asturmadi Doors
Asturmadi Doors Fire door
In ASTURMADI DOORS a company belonging to Asturmadi Group, we specialize in the manufacture of fire doors with an extensive network of distributors and agents in more than 30 countries, including several distribution centers and a new factory in Mexico with over 12000 m2.
Our company, internationally recognized, stands out for an always friendly service and a great value for money. Our products are of high quality, satisfy all regulations and certificates required and are well adapted to different markets.
Over recent years, Asturmadi Doors has positioned itself as one of the leading manufacturers in a very large number of countries, being Central and South America, the French-speaking countries, Eastern countries and, of course, Spain and Portugal, the main markets where our product is distributed.
As in previous years, 2015 found Asturmadi growing and seeking consolidation in the international market. A major project is launched in Morocco with the opening of an office and a warehouse while it consolidates its presence in Peru, Panama and other South American countries, such as Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, and Mexico. In Europe it has positioned the Polish market and is now addressing the French market as the most important action. Today, export accounts for 75% of sales.
EI260 30-60 y 90
At ASTURMADI, we are always up-to-date with current standards. We are the first manufacturer of fire doors to have obtained the C5 Durability Certificate in accordance with European standards
INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATES classes: EN-1634, UL 90-120-180, RUSSIAN GOST and validations for many countries
European Certificate in 30, 60 and 90'. With validations in many countries
UL Certificate 90-120 y 180´. Con convalidaciones en multitud de países
RUSSIAN GOST certificatein 60 and 90'. With validations in many countries
IDIEM Certificate.
Certificate C5. 200,000 opening and closing cycles.
Asturmadi Doors Fire door Video