OS&Y Gate Valves

Rising stem gate valves used in fire extinguishing systems are vital components for the effective operation of fire extinguishing systems. UL Listed and FM Approved rising stem gate valves are valves designed and tested in accordance with internationally accepted safety standards. Organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories) and FM (Factory Mutual) establish important standards and provide certification to determine the quality and reliability of fire safety equipment. UL Listed and FM Approved rising stem gate valves are products that have been subjected to rigorous tests determined by these organizations and have met certain quality standards. These certificates show that the valves can be used reliably in fire extinguishing systems. Rising stem gate valves are a type of valve used to control the flow of fire pipes. In case of fire, by opening the valve, extinguishing water is allowed to pass through the pipes and the fire is fought. These valves are critical for controlling and directing water flow in fire suppression systems. Rising stem gate valves are UL Listed or FM Approved, providing users with reliability and performance. These certifications guarantee that the valves will operate to the expected standards and reliably control the flow of water during a fire. Flywheel Flange or Grooved models refer to different types of rising stem gate valves. While Flywheel Flange models represent a type of flange used in pipe connections, Grooved models refer to grooved connections used in pipe connections. Both models can be used according to different installation requirements and preferences. While Flywheel Flange models are generally preferred for more traditional pipe connections, Grooved models offer faster installation and maintenance. As a result, UL Listed and FM Approved rising stem gate valves are essential components to ensure reliability and performance in fire suppression systems. Its different models are selected and installed appropriately according to users' needs and system requirements.